Convert a 150L or 200L geyser to a Flat panel solar geyser
Converting a 150L or 200L geyser to a solar flat panel geyser setup is a basic procedure. Your electrical geyser stays intact while the flat panel collector is installed on your home’s roof. Water is circulated where the water comes in and out on both the electrical geyser and the solar collector. The sun heats the water therefore, circulation starts. Hot water is transferred to the storage tank which is your electrical geyser. Coldwater is transferred into the solar collector. A solar geyser flat-panel conversion is the most simplistic and easiest form of going solar. And above all, solar flat panel conversions are a very affordable solar geyser option.
We also offer flat panel split system conversions for different sizes of electrical geysers:
150L flat plate solar geyser split systems
200L flat plate solar geyser split systems
300L flat plate solar geyser split systems